Privacy statement

Privacy at Studiemeesters

The General Data Protection Act (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. This means that from this date the same privacy regulations apply throughout the European Union. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we need, how we deal with this data and what rights you have regarding your data.

1. For registration, all we need is your name, e-mail address and telephone number
If you register for an introduction, we ask you to give your name, telephone number and e-mail address, so that we can contact you to plan an introduction talk.

2. On the cooperation agreement, you fill in details of your course, and contact and address details
During the introduction talk, we ask you to fill in a cooperation agreement. This agreement does not commit you to anything, but states that you have read our terms and conditions and that you know our rates. The mandatory fields to be filled in are your name, address and contact details, course and educational establishment. We need your address details for sending invoices and for credit management. We also appreciate you telling us how you found us, although you are not obliged to do so. Finally, we ask for your explicit permission to include sensitive personal data in your file and to occasionally use your e-mail address for notifying you of special offers, like the summer boot camps, for instance. You may withdraw your permission at any time, by sending an e-mail to

3. This data and your progress are recorded in a secure digital file
At the time the introduction talk is scheduled, we record this data in a personal digital file, in which the coaching progress will also be recorded. We keep your file until two years after your last coaching appointment. We do not delete it immediately, as many of our students return for further coaching later on in their study career. On request, however, your file may be deleted earlier.

4. Only staff directly involved in your coaching have access to your file
All the Studiemeesters staff are contractually bound to confidential handling of the data of everyone concerned. Studiemeesters staff can only access your data if they are directly involved in your coaching. Your data is protected from other members of staff.

5. We make use of the external services of Moneybird, Mollie, Payt and MailChimp
We do not share any data with parties outside Studiemeesters, with the exception of necessary administrative data. For our financial administration, we use Moneybird, Mollie and Payt. We communicate occasionally through your e-mail address, using MailChimp, to inform you of special offers, study tips and coaching matters.

6. We never share your data with third parties outside Studiemeesters and its coaches
Individual information about students that is provided prior to or during the coaching is never shared with third parties outside Studiemeesters, unless at the request of, and with explicit permission from the student concerned. So we will never share your personal data or your work, such as theses or papers, with people outside Studiemeesters.

7. Right to examine and delete data, and questions or complaints
You may submit a request to Studiemeesters at any time to examine, receive, alter or delete your personal data. Studiemeesters will deal with your request and inform you of the procedure to be taken within two weeks of receiving the request. If you have any complaints about the way in which Studiemeesters processes your personal data or deals with your request, you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Version 24th of May 2018